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Candidate Nikitin... Ethics... Do "They" Even Know?

Updated: Nov 13, 2023

We have suffered attacks on our website for the last two years. We have had fake accounts created with phishing/spam attached to infect our site. We've been flagged by our server host's secondary domain to prevent us from renewal of our site after our contract expires.

We've had the DOJ and multiple law firms (local especially M&M😉) as well as primary and secondary schools in both our county/state access our site.

(More on 👇 later)


Why do they want to silence our voices?

What are they scared of?

We've recently been informed that a local candidate for County Commissioner, "Ella" Nikitin, has been inside our privately contracted host service, (with whom we have recently been in contact).

(Candidate for Hartland Commissioner District 4, opposing incumbent candidate Wes Nakagiri)

We ask you, Candidate Nikitin,

is it ethical to hack into a private blog that you have verbalized negative public bias toward,(as you have done multiple times against The Lantern on your podcast and social media)?

Our host service claims you were not given access to our information by their company. We purchased a third party VPN blocker for our site. Our host service would like to know how you breached their service to obtain the cost of our third party VPN blocker. Our counsel has requested all communications regarding our blog from our host service.

How do you know how much we spend on a VPN blocking service?

How do you know we have an internally purchased VPN blocking service through our host servers?

We feel a lawsuit coming on. Don't you?

This blog was created because social media silenced truth in our community. We wanted people to have a voice. We support the first amendment of our constitution.

Candidate Nikitin, are you trying to silence voices in the constituency you wish to represent?

That is the behavior of a


Is it not?

Is silencing and intimidation what you will do to your constituents that do not share your beliefs should you be elected?

Please explain?

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