Dear Kasey,
Please spare us your hypocrisy. It's so demoralizing and honestly quite exhausting.
As the self professed persona for the "grassroots" Democrats in Livingston County:
YOU scream about assault on children, AND YET, champion their murder in the womb.
YOU decry violence for one "group" over another and vilify the other for self serving needs. AND YET, you support those that target minorities through eugenics and weaponized redistricting.
The hypocrisy of you and your tribal "groupies" is so clearly blatant... and you lot are too blind to see...
Did your new "venture" get its name because you enjoy being a 💩 stirrer?
Most residents moved here because LivingstonCounty is a farm/open space community. There is plenty of rentable and available housing, fast food, retail/strip malls, gas stations and apartment/condominiums going up all around us and a good chunk of them are vacant.
Please spare us the name calling and the few disparaging posts that are divisive. They don't speak for the 300 people in attendance that evening. It is noticed how you tip toe around the lawyer representing our Genoa Township community, though.
Is your goal to make everyone and everything as miserable as you?
Mom's for Liberty Livingston County DISBANDED TWO YEARS AGO!!! You know, when you and your buddies started your targeted hate campaign then had to go outside of the county to file a PPO against its leadership to cause them harm. AN attempt that FAILED to prove "your" case so the judge dismissed it.
We had to hear about it CONSTANTLY through your "media" extensions. 😴
Stop trying to divide people. Stop grouping us. Stop forcing your self hatred and anger at us. Stop LABELING us.
YOU are the problem.
Maybe work it out a little longer in the woods. Social media was way less dramatic for a weekend without you.
Thanks and bless your heart,
"Sick and tired in YOUR "community".
A.K.A. Wanda W.
Note from ~Publius ~