More firearms mean less crime…..
In 2019 there was a study of persons who were incarcerated. From these prisoner interviews, 60% said they would NOT attack someone with a firearm, they would instead look for an easier target, someone unarmed. In addition, 80% said they would purposefully avoid houses known to have armed homeowners. Straight out of the mouths of the people who do the crime, firearms are a deterrent, and a method of peacekeeping, a majority of the time.
Knowing these things, what can we do in our everyday life? Not only do we need to fight gun control laws, we need to make guns normal again, protect ourselves and others, and do our part to deter criminal violence.
There is value in concealed carry, but there is also power in open carry.
The most powerful way to stop criminals from targeting you and your family, from the horse’s mouth, the criminals themselves, is to open carry. Not to say you can’t do both. But consider making a statement and not always conceal. We need not hide in the dark. The criminals didn’t say they were deterred by the laws, but they did say they were empowered by Criminal Empowerment Zones.
Red flag laws, do not create changes in victim rights, but in actuality, create new victims. For instance “Kassandra” is in an abusive relationship with Jack. Kassandra ends this relationship and tries to start a new life. With just a simple call, Jack, a domestic violence abuser can have Kassandra, the true victim, rendered even more vulnerable by taking away her firearms. Anyone that understands domestic violence knows that Kassandra is in grave danger now.
Other red flag law posed to provide “Gun Safety”, also includes removing the mandatory minimum penalties for sexual offenders working in schools, living in proximity to schools, and “loitering” where children are. Red flag laws are simply a tool to add money to the general fund.
The zealots are running amuck. They want conservatives to feel defeated. Now is the time to stand and get involved. You need to contact your Representatives and Senators. Send them a message that we, the constituents, will not stand for this.
Encourage conservative public servants to stand against the democrats and never cross the line to aid the left’s narrative. Encourage them to protect the Constitution and our God given rights. The fact are on our side. Give them your thoughts. We need to remind them, encourage them, give them the proof they are supporting the wishes of the true majority. There’s hope in giving support.
Work to strengthen your county and isolate them from these impending laws, and empower other counties to do the same. We need to think offence, not constantly battling on defense.
God bless you all!
Until next time,