Sent in by: Concerned mom in Brighton. Please watch first, then read the article below.
Ally-ship is a lie. It is a means by which some will coerce others into conformation through psychological manipulation. You are given two choices. Neither are exactly your own, but you sway farther to one "side" or the other "side". If one does not agree fully with the loudest "side" manipulation of speech is used to shame. Labels are placed upon you. You are put in your box. And the bias used to manipulate you will not allow you out of "the box".
Hard 📦
You are a "Fascist"
You are a "Natzi"
You are a "Communist"
You are a "Terrorist"
Toned down 📦
You are a "Book Burner"
You are a "Christian Nationalist"
You are a "Groomer"
You are a "pedophile"
You are an "Extremist"
You are a "Conspiracy Theorist"
You are a "Fag"
You are a "Freak"
You are a "Retard"
Soft 📦
You are too "Black"
You are too "White"
You are too "Old"
You are too "Young"
You are too "Masculine"
You are too "Feminine"
You are too "Ignorant" "Misinformed" "Disinformed"
These are characteristics placed on you by an outside source. As humans, it is natural to want to feel commonality with fellow humans without feeling shame. Acceptance, civility, equality; all needs of humans. To control your self perception certain words, phrases and patterns are interwoven into your daily life. Those words influence how you think and see the world around you. I encourage one to take a step back and pay attention to consistent patterns and narratives being established on ones habitat.
In today's society we are given very few choices. Drive through fast food or home fast food? Republican or Democrat? Rainbow or cross? Israel or Palestine? Nano-bot injections or life saving cure? It's all so overwhelming! You have to pick!! You have to pick NOW so you'll be forever placed in your box!
My fellow humans, this is how you never solve a problem.
Because of the video above I will start with the trans-agenda, for example. This has impacted my family.
If you disagree with any small portion of this agenda. You are not an ally and there fore you are anti-tranz and a bigot|
However, you know you would never be disrespectful to a trans person, but you are deeply concerned with how the perception in society is heavily focused on the "attack" on gender dysphoric individuals. Not the care of those individuals. Not the hard fast transitional push of LGBTQA+propaganda in society on small children.
If you state your feelings openly, you are pro trans and advocating for boys in girls bathrooms and removal of women from sports|
You only get two choices.
As a former SAGE group member, I've watched this roll out through the last two election cycles. Pro-trans vs anti-trans. BLM vs "Nazi's" or "White National Extremists". Grassroots vs establishment. Republican vs Democrat. The name calling is offputting to say the least.
The push for an agenda to train child activists in Livingston County schools is blatantly clear now. Just peruse the S.A.G.E. Facebook page to see what I mean. I didn't believe any of it at first. But now its undeniable.
I have watched in real time, activists attack people with out provocation.
I have watched trans activists deny de-trasitioners their journey and experience as you've seen in the video above.
Locally I have watched a school board member cornered and recorded about her advocacy of having gendered bathrooms as well as non-gendered bathrooms so everyone has a choice. That did not fit the needs of the activist's pursuit. When the board member ask "is this not good enough for you?" She was met with questions completely off topic. She was thrown into the 📦PARADIGM manipulation. (Video)
I have also watched the 📦PARADIGM Where any inch given to the trans agenda is SIN from those too ignorant to realize that the tranz individual is a person suffering inside mentally and emotionally!!
My faith tells me to walk in love. Jesus, who I pray forgives my sins, taught me to walk in love. He taught me to always be righteous in my convictions while walking in love.
To 0.7% of humans, Gender dysphoria is a very real and serious psychiatric condition. Treating a human with a mental disorder as if they were less than me would not be walking the path of my Savior. However, it is never my responsibility to validate anyone but myself.
Every human has the ability to self validate. No human can truly do that for another human. You have to find love within.
If you were to seek searching local truth on the 📦PARADIGM there is more than enough information out there to be found on your own, to verify the validity of this board members claims during the time she's been in office:
Allowing title XI and DEI adaptations, that have not legally been passed by congress, into affect across the spectrum in our county schools includes:
Teachers with beards in pink mini skirts and heels in the middle school, DQSH in the library, gender neutral bathrooms and locker rooms, rainbow flags adorning class room windows and walls, books on sexual idolatry in prominent areas of the library and constant reminders of "pronouns".
This is actually alienating roughly 90% of the student population. Those that remain quiet so they are not thrown into the 📦PARADIGM equate for roughly 75% of the alienated humans. That leaves 9.3% humans that use the loud virtue signal of ally ship to manipulate through bias, and control the narrative.
The push to alienate 90% of the student population creates a digression in the pursuit of equality.
A third bathroom option is equal | Everyone has a place they're comfortable |
No flags other than our country and state is equal | WE are all Americans |
Showing concern for medically altering or inter twining through sports, humans who's scientific and biological differences between the humans with XX chromosomes and and those with XY chromosomes is not hateful or wrong | Biological females fought a long and hard journey to have their own sporting divisons.
Trans athletes are welcome to start their own division. Just like every sport in the history of sporting adaptation.
If you watched the video above, you'll understand why I chose to share this.
I care about all people. Introduction of hyper charged sexuality while at the same time experiencing extreme divergence of center narratives is harmful to children. I now realize the trans agenda started way before the mass shut downs. But with the confusion came the push for activism and conformity that I've only ever read about in history books, and not the good ones.
I encourage every voting resident of this county to go to at least one event or send at least one question to the people running for office. I know Michelle Blondeel suprised me. I'm sad she's not running again, she would have had my vote this time. I'm no longer listening to alarmists or virtu signals promoting activism. I'm going to actually talk to the people running to represent me.
To finish, I have included some of the damage of those humans affected by this movement. As the "affirming care" has now hit very close to home in a very negative way. This is the reality of how it harms them and how they are silenced. You will need to add a graphic content warning.
I weep for our future.
Concerned mom in Brighton.
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