It's interesting to sit back and witness the fall of the "Republican Party".
🚨UPDATE: 7p.m. 01-21-24 Originally here: X
As someone who was never very "political" prior to 2020, the only "party" that was screaming for constitutional freedoms (and "mostly" aligned with my personal morals) was the Republican party. In the constructed dichotomy of our political system, you get to choose only two. Any choice that diverges from the two choice option has always been considered "wasteful" or a "throw away" choice. That's been ingrained in us for decades.
Like many 'normal' Americans in 2020, the theft of our voice, rights of movement and constitutional grounding were stripped away based on a virus with a 97% chance of recovery for most humans. Our freedoms were restricted, our children were used as pawns and our movements in society were used as leverage for only those willing to fall into the virtue signal class of "good people". If you did not comply, you were restricted, doxxed and banned. We had questions for those in "leadership", why weren't they working for the people they represent?
This was the start of the sleeping giant tickled awake and looking for a way to fix the mess our government created to cause chaos and undermine the integrity of our election process.
"Come be a delegate", Megan Reckling shouted locally on line and at public events in early 2020. "Help us save our counrtry" was the narrative the party used that garnered a flush of 98% of the newly elected (22') delegates in Livingston County and across the state of Michigan.
We were used as foot soldiers to door knock and if we were willing to back the party candidate we got attention, support and love from the party chair and her minions. Those who saw the nastiness of the swamp in the "party" were outcast and treated as though they were an annoyance to be tolerated to meet 'their' end goals.
There are only groomed operatives and minions in the "party" system. If you fall outside of those two categories, you are destroyed publicly or removed from the game.
This is what 'they' think of their fellow delegation.
Maggie Kurtzweil (District 7/South Lyon) is the lawyer for Melinda Pego, the recently removed Vice-Chairwoman of the Michigan Republican party.
You see, there is no real "Republican vs Democrat". There are only elitist and wannabee's vs people. I can tell you with 100% certainty, those considering themselves "elite" and their needy minion cucks, HATE the people. They hold the purse strings and you will comply or be destroyed. There is no middle ground.
In early 2023 'their' foothold changed. The constitutionalist grassroots movement in Michigan had taken hold of every county delegation. Livingston county grassroots elected Jennifer Smith as our Chairwoman. She was outspoken from the start of 2020 and willing to stand up demanding to know why we weren't being represented.
In our state convention we chose our constitutionalist grassroots Republican representative Chairwoman, Kristina Karamo. The woman who holds the affidavit's of every fraudulent event that took place during the November 3rd, 2020 election. The parallel of events up to and after their respective elections has been astounding.
That's a story for another time...
The "old party", lovingly referred to as 'RINOS' by the constitutionalist grassroots, was so furious with losing their "rightful place" in the party that they took their "ball" and went home. Why? They threatened lawsuits. They even produced a lawyer to intimidate the newer delegates. They called us all sorts of degredating names and said we were akin to 'illegals'. But they didn't sue the newly elected party. Why?
Was it because that "ball" was all the dirty, nasty, filthy money that came from the likes of globalist oligarch wannabee's like the Devos' and the Weiser's. No trail could be left to find by the new administration. Funding from the following cash cow's has now completely dried up because grassroots will not support their swamp creature's for office: The RNC · BCBS · CMS ENERGY · Devos Family · Weiser family... the list goes on. Ask yourself: when "Republicans" have "control" why do the people still lose? Maybe because their platform isn't what they truly believe?
Why would the RNC stop funding its underlings? Because the constitutionalist grassroots is wise to their game. We know their puppets and no longer support them. Puppets like Lana Theis and Mike Rogers, Lena Epstien (recently contacting delegates begging for Karamos seat as chairwoman). The installation in the '22 midterms of no names like Tudor Dixon, which the Associated Press ("accidentally") confimed as "our candidate" a solid week BEFORE the 2022 primary election, making grassroots candidate Ryan Kelly obsolete.
The grassroots saw what they were doing and wanted no part... then there was the introduction of "The Grand New Party" and the conspiracy to deminish and destroy any grassroots members not towing the line. This was done through subversive tactics (much like in the 2020 elections).
The "g.n.p" was the spin off party so the "RINOS" had a home. With the grand new party, they could run business as usual without the annoying grassroots questions and bulk or pushback. They could continue their washing of funds and their puppet candidates would still have some play in the "game". They assigned their minions as handlers to steer the destruction of the the grassroots within the "old party" system as punishment for the grassroots takeover.
It may interest readers to know, Lana Theis has not participated in ONE, not ONE Livingston County Republican event this year. Why? Because she is a puppet to the money masters. Her protégé, Megan "Wreckingball" Reckling, was being groomed to follow in her footsteps and since the loss of her position in the local party has not participated as well.
Instead she's been working with the "g.n.p" and has since started up a "political consulting" organization. They also pay unwitting participants to "recruit" new voters to register for 2024. This is known as "harvesting" voters. This new PAC and consulting org has found its home in South Lyon, mingled with the Oakland County WEF globalist "elistists". They are known as the South Lyon Republican Party (S.L.R.P) Where I'm sure, much of their "new" dirty laundry is also throughly cleaned...
Some of the "g.n.p" associates remained within the local party to undermine the new administration and did everything in their power to destroy Chairwoman Smith. This is true at both the local and state level.
In the transition, financial statements, lists of cooperation and administrative documents were not turned over. The new grassroots Chairs were left with virtually nothing(in some cases only debt). The "establishment" turned their back and did everything in their power to sabotage with rumors and leaking to the liberal press. While clutching their pearls and crying for "unity" and "compromise ". Handlers were assigned to turn grassroots against each other and counter every move the grassroots made. When Smith chose not to declare a side in the state party situation, Barfield pulled the trigger in Livingston. (Did anyone see the exhaustive drivel from the Barfield/Carlton debacle occurring earlier this month that was leaked to the fascist media?).
From Chairwoman Smith's Response Letter:
From Larry Parsons on the Livingston Republican Party Facebook page.(above)
The biggest surprise in this swampy mess was finding out that the leader of 2A, Rob Rodriguez-Palizzari was tied to the globalist/RINO/CUCK group. He had wiggled his way in closely to our county party Chairwoman and she trusted him.
My suspicion began when watching him on the podcast "This is MY Brain" he dismissed child abuse in the schools, welcomed ESG score digital bank future and fully backed the g.n.p ideology and swampy members. Pictures of his Oakland County "globalist" associations were pridefully posted on social media. Then he leverages threats over Christmas on our Chairwoman.
From Chairwoman Smith's Response Letter:
My gut screamed "this man was slime" watching him and his bombastic pompousness on "This is my Brain". But when a potential candidate for county commissioner came forward, on social media, and said he had told her she needed to "kiss rings" and "crawl on her knees" for support, my suspicions were completely confirmed.
From Chairwomans Smith's response letter:
You see, no one ever pays attention to the quiet guy observing in the background. Those like me hear all and see much... I am writing this and giving it to you in the hope the eyes will see and ears will hear what a nasty mess there is to clean up. Ignorance created this mess, hopefully knowledge will right the ship before it sinks.
Thank you,
**** ********
Now we sit on a precipice. We have only two choices. Freedom or slavery.
While the leftist ideologues, with their crazy bulging eyes, empty virtu-signals, nonsensical need for ally-ship/existence and self depreciating mentality are thrilled to see "the Republicans fail" and the character assassination on their main punching bag, Jennifer Smith, they don't realize they are pawns in this too. We have been divided on purpose.
The dichotomy of only two choices keeps us fighting each other and not lookingat what 'they' are stealing from us. As for the constitutional grassroots, we've had enough of this insanity.
If you love America, your family, your neighbors and would like to preserve the future of our children and grandchildren, you will turn your back on the two party system. You will demand the removal of the "election" machines they've used to cheat us out of our voice for the last 20+ years. You will demand the commissioners stop the AI takeover through W.E.F pushed policy (Oakland County is literally owned by the World Economic Forum group).
You will remove the "selected leaders" and you will listen and vet the candidates that stand to represent you. You will pay attention to who funds them!
We are quite literally in a constitutional crisis, and this is the last stand before the New World Order steps in. The "grand new party" will be slaves right along with every other person left alive once the this take over is complete. Don't believe me? Watch what they've been saying in Davos Switzerland all weekend...
You will own nothing, you will "eat ze bugs", you will not have elections, you will have AI implanted on your body and you will be jailed for asking questions. That is your new world order... George H told us, his son told us, Regan told us, Clinton and Obama told us. KENNEDY was murdered for saying he would fight it for us!
What they all fail to realize....
We ARE the giant. If WE unite, we will be unstoppable in saving not only OUR nation, but the world too. You can take that to the bank... and you won't need to wash it first.
I stand with Chairwoman Karamo and Chairwoman Smith. I stand for freedom, I stand for truth, I stand for love. Will you stand with me?
NOTE The opinions expressed in every article posted on Livingston Lantern do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Livingston Lantern. However, we believe all voices should be heard. Thank you for contributing to our public square.