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Violence, Hate Speech And Kill Lists, Oh My...! How Did It Get So Bad?

Updated: Sep 4, 2023

We warned you this was coming.

This week a concerned parent posted in a mom group online about her son being placed on a "Kill List" last year in Fowlerville schools.  She found out on his first day of school this week that the "Kill List" creator was allowed back in school and shares a class with her son, the potential named victim.

This post sparked outrage throughout the mom group...

A "Kill List" in Hartland...

A "Kill List" in Brighton...

That is 3 of our 5 school districts... not good. The worst part of all of this is that the Livingston Lantern writers have stated ALL of this would happen.

It is no wonder our children are acting out.

In 2020, instead of protecting our children by doing their due diligence and research, our boards took direction from their employee,  the superintendent, who caters to a private organization...

Instead of asking for the peer reviewed studies and data to support what they were about to impose on our children they went with the main stream narrative and followed the leader... they applied a "one size fits all" procedure to track, trace, quarantine and mask our youth, all in exchange for millions.

Healthy children were thrust from school repeatedly for weeks at a time to "quarantine" for a virus they had a 99.9% chance of surviving, and teachers had a 99.7% chance of surviving. Our schools got paid .

They were masked, robbing our children of their identities and positive interactions with their peers. Sharp negative reactions from teachers and adults for not covering their face properly were a common occurrence. Causing mental stress and psychological trauma...

Children were subject to repeated violent outbursts from members of their class with absolutely no interest in how it affected them.

This child was given a two week suspension.

Our children were then told that girls can be boys, boys can be girls, anyone can be an animal and they can also be nothing at all(non binary). The complete foundation of their upbringing was thrown on its head.

Books told them how many pronouns they needed to learn. That white males, specifically, are bad. They were told they can access information about changing their sex online and hide it from their parents. That secret messaging with strangers is ok. They were also told their parents wouldn't understand them or accept them for who they are and given access to what most would consider (in the work place) pornagraphic information.

☝️"Safe Spaces" Represented by "Trans Flags"☝️

Teachers have been told by the state that parents are not to know anything personal about their children, especially if it flows with a trans narrative.

Special "advisory" pilots hours were implemented into schedules so teachers can "get to know their students on a personal level ".

Parents that pushed back against the damage they were witnessing inflicted on their children, were labeled "extremists", "book burners" & "cultists" and placed on domestic terrorists watch lists.

School board members who spoke up were vilified and had their character assassinated.

School board presidents had parents that spoke against them thrown out of meetings.  One board president in LivingstonCounty schools also set up "special protections" for Marxist policies ushered in by third party organizations and lawyers that track, trace and sell your personal information while they label your children and categorize them by compliant behavior in exchange for money.

Want to know what's really happening in your schools...

Well, hold on, because a lot of information about back door deals, money exchanges and law violations is coming soon... we have the reciepts, much like we did when a substitute teacher preformed unauthorized ultrasound on 5 year olds last year having them lay down and expose their chests to rub jelly on them... and no one cared.

We asked an elected representative of a local township to get a look at what she and other parents have uncovered over the course of the last 3 years. When asked if she would be willing to host a discussion in the future for our community, she agreed stating, "Maybe we can get to the bottom of why there is so much hate, violence and back door agendas in the Livigston County School system". We will publish the announcement of this representatives open discussion once they announce it publicly.

In the meantime,  if you have a topic you would like us to investigate,  please message us at the link in our main page or our chat.

Please take the poll below to let us know if you would be interested in an open discussion with provided evidence of local abuse of office:

Would you participate in open discussion about LivCo Schools?

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LL Staff


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