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We Are Voting NO On Nov. 7th! A few reasons why...

Updated: Nov 7, 2023

We would like to address two "birds"(bi-partisan connections) with one stone as we come up to the November 7th elections.  Let's break this down and talk about it:

We have a school district in our community (Howell) stating 'residents will not be paying any more than they currently are for taxes' if we pass their $258 Million dollar bond.

That statement is both true-ish and untrue.  Yes, our payment will not be changed. However it will be prolonged, meaning we will PAY MORE (1.53 mills for each $1000 tax value of property) instead of having our tax reduced (by same value) due to completion of the prior millage increase. By voting NO we will be lowering our taxes.

The best analogy we've heard on this is:

You purchase a vehicle and pay $500 per month for 24 months.

You paid $10,000 up front for your vehicle.

You've paid the cost of $22,000 for your vehicle.

Your payment ends and you now "own" your car. Hopefully investing that freed up monthly expense back into the care and maintenance of the vehicle.

Howell schools is asking us to extend that car payment for an additional 7 years.

In this case, we will never "own" it, yet...

we should have say in how it is run because we are paying for it, right? We pay millage to support our community in our property tax. We should have a say in the stakes attached to our schools as an "owner" or "investor" right?

Our schools are NOT TRANSPARENT in their spending:

Am I getting this right?

Howell schools used our tax money to build and maintain two elementary schools over the last 20 to 70+ years and the district did not fulfill  their promise in prior millage to take care of them and has slated them for demolition.

They are claiming expensive repairs and updates as a reason... not condemnation of the buildings. How did they let it get so bad?

Did you know...

With a 2019 millage tax you ARE already PAYING NOW Howell claimed the exact same reasons... not kidding!

We don't "own" it, remember, they make the decisions on how to spend our money. You are currently paying on a recently passed millage until 2028 for the exactly same "updates and improvements".

So where is it all going? Maybe multiple inflated administration salaries and back door buddy deals... who knows!

Essentially, for years we've played through millage tax to maintain two schools in our district and now we will additionally pay for a third and fourth, PLUS the removal of the two we first purchased and have zero say in stake of ownership.

Please make that make sense.

They are also asking you to help with "updates" needed for vent systems ect...

Did you know...

Howell schools received the highest amount of grant money in the county out of our 5 school districts?

☝️That money was given under "Pandemic Relief" payouts.

They were granted in the CARES act, ESSER Fund📄 and _ARP_ then doled out upon completion of certain contract "criteria" once they were completed.

How do they complete the contract "criteria"?

They do it through the passing of new policies through our school boards and county boards. Policies that pay for programs in our schools like "Migrant Programs" and "Delinquent Institutions". (See below)

Once the policy is in place, they've completed that part of the contract agreement and received the next round of funding. From our federal tax dollars.

This is an organization wide standard for every policy passed in our schools/county, in every department for every single dollar we are given as a district.

Every policy is paid for through the lobbying done at the superintendent and school board level through their "associations" agreements (as well as all county board offices with "association" dues).

Howell Schools DID NOT use MILLIONS in pandemic payments to:

▪︎Strengthen technology and existing programs.

▪︎Support Teaching staff with technology and curriculum support.

▪︎Update sanitizing procedure.

▪︎Update ventilation.

▪︎Update security infrastructure.

▪︎Update building infrastructure.

That's what they are currently begging for, right?


The policy they had to complete for payout goes in line with the following:

(REMINDER: These are PANDEMIC RELIEF aid fulfillment contracts)

Once the policies are handed to the superintendent, the board passed them fulfilling the "aid" contract.

After reading the 1000s of policies put in place it sure looks like a lot of policies for migrants and very little for our current teachers and students.

You know, the ones who's parents pay the schools through their millage tax dollars to educate their children.

Vote NO on this MILLAGE!!

Use your voice and tell Howell Schools YOU want stake in your "ownership":

□ Update the schools that are standing. 

□ POST jobs and AUDITION  the applicants outside of your partnership net!!

□ Dont just grease elbows with the "good ole boys"!

□ Stop creating policies that do not benefit the students that attend the schools WE OWN!

Tell the Howell school district


This brings us to the next bird...

The land grabs on this county are INSANE and yet... crickets.

We have farmers going bankrupt due to government malfeasance. (Grostic Farms📰)

Townships making back door deals in the dead of night to sell off our open space to developers for profit while vacant buildings fall apart up and down Grand River.

Socialists selling you that we have "no affordable housing" for citizens (but failing to leave out that our tax dollars are paying refugees to live with reduced rent and subsidies across our county/ see below) and attacking tax paying citizens with shaming partisan politics  for standing up in their community.

All of this comes with our local media that omits to suit their narrative about every single bit of it.

We have migrant programs structured into funded pay outs (as shown above under schools). Along with mass subsidies for migrant housing.

We have residents here legally who are living in their cars with zero help.

These policies are not serving the needs of the humans in our community. They are funding migration and industrialization.


At this point,  if you trust any of the Livingston county "news" media to give you the truth, we've got ocean front property with a bridge in Cohoctah to sell you.

To wrap this up we want you to consider:

In the last 3 years has your life improved?

Have your schools improved?

Do you see a bright future for your children?

Can you afford to "live" now, like you did 4 years ago?

If you answered no to these questions,  vote NO on November 7th. Vote to change the mayor. Look into the policy behind the city counsel candidates and do not vote for those who do not have our best interests at heart.

Most importantly,  talk to your delegates, neighbors and those that are running for office before you step in that booth or drop off your ballot. AND You are allowed to change your vote if you voted early. The deadline is November 6th at 5pm. The election clerks would be happy to help you navigate changing your vote on your ballot due to subject transparency.


👇GO HERE for resources 👇

In case you haven't noticed,  America is deteriorating at a break neck pace and it will affect every single one of us eventually. Now is not the time for the same old status quo and division. It's up to you. Get out and vote. Your opinion does matter.



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